I thought I would paint on one of those cradled hardboard “boxes”. I chose a panel, 8” x 6” x 2”. Painted all five sides and here is the result.
Pandora’s Box #1.
I thought I would paint on one of those cradled hardboard “boxes”. I chose a panel, 8” x 6” x 2”. Painted all five sides and here is the result.
Pandora’s Box #1.
I’m learning how to paint so it looks like a chalkboard. Here: Fibonacci. oil on panel, with gold leaf. 8”x 6”.
Take a look at the new paintings posted in the 5x5 Paintings Gallery. To find this gallery, click here or go to the home page and scroll down to the link near the bottom of the page. There are nine new ones destined for a show at Gibson Island Club in June 2021. I hope to see you there!
Oil on panel, 8” x 10”. I had fun finding these unusual citrus fruits.
Oil on panel, 6” x 8”. Sold immediately.
Oil on panel, 11” x 14”
This is the largest “kinetic” still life I’ve painted yet. It’s the first go at painting splashing liquid. More to come on this idea.
“Wasted” Oil on panel, 12’ x 16”.
Les Grenades, the French word for pomegranates.
Have you seen this painting? It was taken sometime in the last several months.
A small piece, panel is 5" x 5". One of several delivered to the gallery in time for Christmas.
Lost My Marbles, oil on panel, 11"x14".
The last painting of marbles got such a reception! I had to do it again. Besides, painting those marbles is where all the fun is!
Oil on panel.8" x 10". Chosen as Best in Show at MFA Members' Spring Show. The juror liked the irony of the hospitality icon with a symbol of war. He also mentioned the green clip denoting a live grenade (as opposed to a dummy grenade). And that the pineapple is a "sugar bomb"!
Oil on panel, 11" x 14". This is the twelfth painting in the never-ending series of still life paintings with movement. I love planning and painting these studies in shadow manipulation. Especially fun for me was the magnification the linen weave in the transparent green marble.
Oil on panel, 11" x 14". Falling eggs. Easter Egger hens have lovely colors. Natural colors.
This painting is an homage of sorts to Jackson Pollock. His famous splash paintings are directly opposite from my style. I couldn't resist these falling paint brushes.
Oil on panel, 14" x 11". Titled: Pollock's Secret
It was only in the gallery for a couple of weeks.
A commission for the birthday of a young friend whose chicken, Edison, laid her first egg. It was blue! This is the first time I've used a light colored frame. I like it, it doesn't overpower the painting.
Oil on panel, 5" x 5".
Light Reading. Oil on panel, 11" x 14". Ninth in the "kinetic" series. Currently at McBride Gallery. I've started on the next one! Stay tuned.
At long last, I have finished a painting in the ongoing series of parking garages. This one is in Washington DC; I often park here to visit the National Gallery.
Oil on canvas, 28" x 22". Currently at McBride Gallery.
Oil on panel. 5" x 5".
Three strawberries on a lusterware plate.
My friend Jane keeps chickens; different breeds have different colored eggs.
Oil on panel, 5" x 5".